The Love Story That Inspired a Font.

I love a good love story. After 35 years of marriage, I thought it was time to celebrate and tell ours in a very special way…so I created a font!

The name “Hello My Love” refers to the way we greet each other. As corny as it sounds, there’s nothing that puts a smile on my face more than to see my hubby, Michael, walk in the door, which is in direct sight of my home studio and say those 3 words.

We were married November 9, 1984.  Two kids and five houses later, we still like each other and feel an even deeper love and appreciation for our relationship. For us, that required a big celebration! So last October, we took a trip to Vienna and Italy with our sons Alex and Nick and his girlfriend Victoria.

This is all of us in Verona at a pasta making class.

But I wanted something beyond a trip to commemorate this wonderful moment in time. The font is that tribute to our love story. It represents the hard earned ease and flow that comes from sharing the ups and downs of life together and learning “this too shall pass”. It speaks to the level of gratitude that evolves after experiencing heartbreaking moments as well as extreme joy during the many years that we’ve been lucky enough to share together. But most importantly it’s filled with the love that grew and evolved into something that we cherish every day.

So how did this journey begin?

It all started many years ago when I first saw Michael at the age of 4 in his grandfather’s corner grocery store. I imagined he got to eat all the candy he wanted! Fast forward 12 years, and we met at McDonald’s after our high school’s football game. We dated for awhile but went our separate ways when he left for college. Eleven years later, I moved to Dallas.  Meanwhile, back in our hometown of Erie, Pa. his mom ran into my dad at a local Italian deli.  When he told her I lived in Dallas, she was delighted to share that her son had been transferred there 6 months earlier. When Michael called his parents at the usual time, she shared the news. He gave me a call. We reconnected at a restaurant called “The Magic Time Machine”. (How perfect is that!) And a year and a half later we were married at the same church both of our parents had been married in. Serendipitous to say the least!

I can’t imagine my life without this man who has taught, accepted, tolerated, supported and encouraged me for the last 35 years to follow my own unique path.  He puts his all into whatever he does. He is passionate about his family, golf, track and field and his faith. He’s been a loving, devoted father whose sons always know how proud he is of them. And he’s a great story teller, regaling us throughout the years with funny moments of his life working in his close knit family’s Italian deli and bakery. He is usually laughing so hard he can barely get the words out. I love his laugh. It’s a deep gut laugh. It’s like his whole body is erupting with joy.

I could go on. But I hope this helps you to understand the inspiration behind the font. I hope you have your own love story to tell. It doesn’t have to be a romantic one. It can be about having a special bond with a friend, a family member or discovering how to love yourself. We all need to learn that.

The love that inspired me to create this font, is not the kind of emotion you see in movies. Someone doesn’t complete you. It’s doing real life together, every day, with repetitive menial tasks, kids that don’t want to go to bed and parents who become ill. It’s never feeling like you can do it all but somehow managing the most important things because you’re doing it together. It’s going through the stages of life, re-inventing yourself and your relationship over and over. It’s knowing when you to let the small things go and focusing on the good that’s in front of you. Forgiving quickly, crying or comforting when the need arises, knowing when to lead and when to follow and always keeping a sense of humor…these are the subtle lessons that come only with time. This is, to me, what real love is about.

I’m grateful to have it in my life. And I wish I could pass it out like candy. But I can’t. So I’ve put it into a font. My hope is, that it’s used to celebrate many stories about real love.

You can take a peek at the Hello My Love font here.

It’s on sale for 50% off for a limited time. Oh and it comes with a bonus…91 Ornaments including frames, florals and design elements.

Here’s some pics of the font is use.


Interview with Debi Sementelli on

Thanks to Jordan Jelev of for the opportunity to be interviewed for their website.

Stephen Rapp, a friend and one of my favorite lettering artists and font designers

compiled the list of questions.

Answering them, really gave me the chance to look back and see how far I’ve come.

It proves the point that if you want something bad enough and you work hard, you can achieve it.

  No matter your skill level or age.

Whether you know a lot about the subject or just know it’s something you want to learn more about,

it’s all about taking baby steps toward your goal.

And enjoying the process along the way.

Cause if you’re not, what’s the point?

I owe a debt of gratitude to those who have encouraged me along the way and continue to do so.

So, in this post, I’m passing some of that along to you.

Debi Sementelli, Stephen Rapp, fontmatters, Belluccia Calligraphy font, Dom Loves Mary calligraphy font, Cantoni Calligraphy font, Belluccia Bold calligraphy font, font designer, fonts, most popular fonts, fonts for invitations, wedding fonts, fonts for weddings, my fonts, hand lettered fonts, calligrapy fonts, cursive fonts, script fonts, fancy alphabets, fancy letters, lettering artists

My husband has been one of my biggest supporters and encouragers.

( The pic above is Michael and I at a dinner in Rome with our Italian friends.)

I’ve run into some people lately that have reminded me how much people need to be encouraged to go after what they want.

One time that stands out was a connection with a woman in Austin.

My husband and I spent our anniversary in Austin this year.

He went golfing and I headed to the spa with a friend.

A win- win:)Debi Sementelli, Stephen Rapp, fontmatters, Belluccia Calligraphy font, Dom Loves Mary calligraphy font, Cantoni Calligraphy font, Belluccia Bold calligraphy font, font designer, fonts, most popular fonts, fonts for invitations, wedding fonts, fonts for weddings, my fonts, hand lettered fonts, calligrapy fonts, cursive fonts, script fonts, fancy alphabets, fancy letters, lettering artists

When the woman giving me my massage found out that I was an artist,

she told me about her desire to do embroidery.

It was a hobby.  But now she was thinking of designing embroidery patterns.

She didn’t know how to get started.

I thought of a million ways: take a class, get an instruction book, see if there’s an embroidery club to join, etc…

I mentioned those to her.  But further along in the conversation,

I realized that kind of practical advice was not what she really needed.

She was a little older than me and her age made her think it was too late to start a new venture.

She needed encouragement.

I was happy to provide it.

So I gave her the same advice a dear friend gave me a long time ago.

Quit thinking about it and just start.

Debi Sementelli, Stephen Rapp, fontmatters, Belluccia Calligraphy font, Dom Loves Mary calligraphy font, Cantoni Calligraphy font, Belluccia Bold calligraphy font, font designer, fonts, most popular fonts, fonts for invitations, wedding fonts, fonts for weddings, my fonts, hand lettered fonts, calligrapy fonts, cursive fonts, script fonts, fancy alphabets, fancy letters, lettering artists

Just last week I had a phone conversation with a long time friend.

She and I were a great support to each other when our children were young.

We had both given up our art careers to raise our children.

We took turns watching each other’s kids so the other could get something done.

What’s not to love?!

She’s now in Pennsylvania and our kids have grown and flown the coop.

But she shared with me that she’s creating a space in her home to pursue her artistic talents.

I was so thrilled to hear this.  And I can’t wait to see what she creates!

Go Nancy!

To all of you out there who have a passion to do something I have one question:

If not now, when?

Debi Sementelli, Stephen Rapp, fontmatters, Belluccia Calligraphy font, Dom Loves Mary calligraphy font, Cantoni Calligraphy font, Belluccia Bold calligraphy font, font designer, fonts, most popular fonts, fonts for invitations, wedding fonts, fonts for weddings, my fonts, hand lettered fonts, calligrapy fonts, cursive fonts, script fonts, fancy alphabets, fancy letters, lettering artists

No matter what stage of life you’re in, you can take baby steps towards your dream.

That’s how mine started.  And now I’m pinching myself every day.

So if you need some encouragement from someone who’s been where you are,

here it is.

Just do it.  Start right where you are. No matter how small. Begin now.

Have a Change Making Thursday:)


Oh and if you missed it, here’s the link to the interview again. 

Thanks again to Stephen and Jordan!

You can still get 40% off my Belluccia Bold font by using the code : GOBOLD at checkout on

Click on any of the graphics below to check out any of my hand lettered fonts.


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My Cantoni Font is featured on the list of MyFonts Most Popular Fonts for 2013.

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Dom Loves Mary was honored as a Rising Stars winner  in November 2012

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Belluccia was one of MyFonts Most Popular Fonts for 2011.

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